Graphite /ˈɡræfaɪt/ is made almost entirely of carbon atoms, and as with diamond, is a semimetal native element mineral, and an allotrope of carbon. Graphite ...
1 History. 1.1 Discovery of graphite deposit; 1.2 Wood holders added; 1.3 Eraser attached; 1.4 Pencil extenders; 1.5 Lead poisoning; 2 Manufacture; 3 Grading and ...
Wash (w sh, wôsh) An inlet of the North Sea off east-central England. The Wash has a dredged ship channel that leads to King's Lynn. wash (w sh, wôsh)
SHAPE (sh p) abbr. Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers, Europe. shape (sh p) n. 1. a. The characteristic surface configuration of a thing; an outline or contour.