Paid advertising at What Really Happened may not represent the views and opinions of this website and its contributors. No endorsement of products and services ...
The Marikana action is a strike by the poor against the state and the haves. The shooting at Lonmin's Marikana mine exposes weaknesses at the heart of South African ...
The Marikana miners' strike or Lonmin strike was a wildcat strike at a mine owned by Lonmin in the Marikana area, close to Rustenburg, South Africa in 2012. The event ...
The inspiring overthrow of Hosni Mubarak is only the first stage of the Egyptian struggle for full liberation. As earlier pro-democracy movements have learned the ...
The History of Apartheid in South Africa. South Africa (see map) is a country blessed with an abundance of natural resources including fertile farmlands and unique ...
Reflections on the Challenges Confronting Post-Apartheid South Africa South Africa's salutary transformation is the region's most stirring event since post-colonial ...
NP leaders argued that South Africa did not comprise a single nation, but was made up of four distinct racial groups: white, black, coloured and Indian.
Homelands (Bantustans) 1984 MATRIX, Michigan State University The South African government designated all Africans as citizens of a homeland or Bantustan.
This video will give you a short visual overview of the history of South Africa. Historical background African Continent,... Agriculture developed rapidly with the ...
Essay: Lisa Findley & Liz Ogbu South Africa: From Township to Town Sam Nzima's photograph of the Soweto uprising, Hector Pieterson Memorial. [Photo by Liz Ogbu]
Your novel Burger's Daughter portrays a family deeply involved in the liberation struggle in South Africa. How did you come to write it? Nadine Gordimer: I knew many ...
Apartheid based on race is outlawed now, but the system always went far deeper than that. The cruelty and injustice were underwritten by an economic apartheid, which ...
The Roots of Conflict . When the British arrived in South Africa in 1796, they quickly conquered the Dutch settlement that had been established in 1652 and set up a ...
Buying back the family silver JCI’s history has all the makings of a TV soap opera. Rising to be life president of the De Beers mining conglomerate ("diamonds are ...
DIAMONDS, GOLD, AND SOUTH AFRICA Diamonds and De Beers In 1867 a pretty pebble found near the Orange River, in the wilds of South Africa, was identified as a 21 …
The author really has no idea of the diversity we have in South Africa. It is not only blacks and whites!! We have many different black cultures and languages, we ...
What Happened When . A region-by-region chronological record of significant events. Britain & Ireland North America The Caribbean & the Americas South Asia
GANDHI & RACISM Here you will see Gandhi's racist views towards the blacks. SUMMARY: To understand Gandhi's role towards the blacks, one requires a …
Your novel Burger's Daughter portrays a family deeply involved in the liberation struggle in South Africa. How did you come to write it? Nadine Gordimer: I knew many ...
Apartheid based on race is outlawed now, but the system always went far deeper than that. The cruelty and injustice were underwritten by an economic apartheid, which ...
The Roots of Conflict . When the British arrived in South Africa in 1796, they quickly conquered the Dutch settlement that had been established in 1652 and set up a ...
Buying back the family silver JCI’s history has all the makings of a TV soap opera. Rising to be life president of the De Beers mining conglomerate ("diamonds are ...
DIAMONDS, GOLD, AND SOUTH AFRICA Diamonds and De Beers In 1867 a pretty pebble found near the Orange River, in the wilds of South Africa, was identified as a 21 …
The author really has no idea of the diversity we have in South Africa. It is not only blacks and whites!! We have many different black cultures and languages, we ...
What Happened When . A region-by-region chronological record of significant events. Britain & Ireland North America The Caribbean & the Americas South Asia
GANDHI & RACISM Here you will see Gandhi's racist views towards the blacks. SUMMARY: To understand Gandhi's role towards the blacks, one requires a …