A guide on how to build a sand or gravel generator using piston duplication.
A neat type of wiring can be made with cactus, sand and torches. Place a cactus, add sand on top, add a torch in the sand, and place a sand on the torch.
How to Build a Deadly (But Practical) Minecraft Machine Gun. Have you ever felt like you wanted to totally annihilate someone in Minecraft with a machine gun?
Looking up at Bedrock from The Void. Description. Bedrock is a block with a gray and charcoal pattern found at the bottom of all Minecraft Maps and at the top, bottom ...
How to Create a TNT or sand cannon in Minecraft 1.8. If you're looking for a big boom in Minecraft 1.8, try building one of these cannons. The first part of the ...
Airlocks rely on the properties of the torch, sand, and water to function. Torches can support other blocks, and they turn back into an item if the block it is ...
Filler with a valid pattern. A filler will fill in water blocks, but will not fill in lava or oil blocks at all. Sand or gravel can be used in the filler to fill in ...
Body Guard You will need 2 cactus 7 blocks(any) fence picture frame Sign sand put sand on the ground then the 2cactus then put the blocks on the side put...
How to Build a TNT Cannon in Minecraft. Welcome to Minecraft World! Check out our advanced tutorials and come play with us on our free server.