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mining company in portuguese

Vale (mining company) - Wikipedia, the free …

Vale S.A. (Portuguese pronunciation: ) is a Brazilian multinational diversified metals and mining corporation and one of the largest logistics operators in Brazil. In ...

Junior in 'exclusive negotiations' with major …

Aston Bay Holdings (CVE:BAY), A TSX-traded company focused on a copper and zinc prospects in Nunavut, is negotiating a joint venture with a mining major.

$260M DEAL Portuguese company takes over …

Sikhumbuzo Moyo recently in HwangeA PORTUGUESE mining and construction company, Mota-Engil, has clinched a $260 million deal with struggling mining giant, …

Mining in Brazil - CountryMine | InfoMine

CountryMine Brazil presents complete information on mining in Brazil, mines in Brazil, minerals and metals in Brazil and other mining-related news about Brazil

Mining News, Mining Companies & Market …

Mining news and commentary from around the globe. Daily updates on gold and commodity prices, exploration, mine development and mining company activities.

InfoMine - Mining Intelligence and Technology

InfoMine provides comprehensive information on mining, the mining industry, mining technology and mineral exploration. InfoMine categories include mining news, mining ...

New Mining Regulation on Divestment of Foreign …

Government Regulation Number 23 of 2010 (“PP No. 23/2010”) on Implementation of Mining Business Operations is amended by Government Regulation Number 24 of 201

Portuguese company Mota-Engil to build …

(Business in Cameroon) - The Portuguese construction company, Mota-Engil SGPS, S.A. (NYSE Euronext Lisbonne: MOTA ENGIL), will be building the 510 km railway ...

Australia InfoMine - Mining Intelligence & …

Australia InfoMine provides comprehensive information on mining, the mining industry, mining technology and mineral exploration in Australia. InfoMine categories ...

Mining Companies and Properties | Australia

Australia mining, companies & properties database – a comprehensive database of Australian mining and exploration companies and their properties.
