Cameco has revoked its licensing request for its proposed Millennium uranium mine north of Saskatoon.
The Ranger Uranium Mine is surrounded by, but separate from Kakadu National Park, in the Northern Territory of Australia, 230 km east of Darwin. The orebody was ...
Canadian production comes mainly from two mines in northern Saskatchewan province, one of which, McArthur River, is the largest uranium mine in the world. Production ...
History . Canada's first recorded discovery of uranium came in 1930 when prospector Gilbert Labine discovered pitchblende, a major uranium bearing mineral, on the ...
Midwest joint venture (Saskatchewan) > View Midwest ownership details Midwest uranium mine project stays on hold Due to low uranium prices, the Midwest and McClean ...
Canada has been a major world producer of uranium since global demand for production of the mineral developed; and the country is rich in uranium resources with a ...
Uranium Mine Ownership - Saskatchewan, Canada (last updated 10 Jul 2014) > for old mines, see Decommissioning Data - Canada
The Millennium Project is a proposed uranium mine in northern Saskatchewan. The 590 hectare claim, which was designated as a separate project under the Cree Extension ...
Africa has considerable mineral deposits, including uranium. Exploration and mine development is proceeding in countries which have not hitherto supplied uranium.
Athabasca Basin News: Skyharbour Announces Exploration Plans for Preston Uranium Property Lakeland Resources Inc. Provides Update on 2014 Exploration
The Athabasca Basin in Northern Saskatchewan hosts the world's largest and highest grade uranium deposits accounting for 1/3 of the global uranium supply, a figure ...
Uranium City is located on the northern shore of Lake Athabasca, 724 km northwest of Prince Albert and 48 km south of the Saskatchewan–Northwest Territories border.
The basics of uranium geology. ... Uranium is an extremely heavy metal, but instead of sinking into the Earth's core it is concentrated on the surface.
Northern Uranium: The Athabasca Basin’s Newest Player Monday July 7, 2014, 4:10am PDT. Chad Ulanksy, CEO of Northern Uranium, explains what his company is up to …
geology of Coles Hill uranium deposit Source: Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Technical Report on the Coles Hill Uranium Property Pittsylvania County, ia
Idemitsu owns equity of the Cigar Lake mine that is producing uranium ore in Canada. The mine is located in northern Saskatchewan, Canada and it has world class scale ...
The Athabasca Basin in Northern Saskatchewan hosts the world's largest and highest grade uranium deposits accounting for 1/3 of the global uranium supply, a figure ...
Uranium City is located on the northern shore of Lake Athabasca, 724 km northwest of Prince Albert and 48 km south of the Saskatchewan–Northwest Territories border.
The basics of uranium geology. ... Uranium is an extremely heavy metal, but instead of sinking into the Earth's core it is concentrated on the surface.
Northern Uranium: The Athabasca Basin’s Newest Player Monday July 7, 2014, 4:10am PDT. Chad Ulanksy, CEO of Northern Uranium, explains what his company is up to …
geology of Coles Hill uranium deposit Source: Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Technical Report on the Coles Hill Uranium Property Pittsylvania County, ia
Idemitsu owns equity of the Cigar Lake mine that is producing uranium ore in Canada. The mine is located in northern Saskatchewan, Canada and it has world class scale ...