Uranium mining is the process of extraction of uranium ore from the ground. The worldwide production of uranium in 2012 amounted to 58,394 tonnes. Kazakhstan, Canada ...
The following companies are performing uranium prospection and/or exploration in South Africa: Acclaim Exploration NL , Uranium One Inc., Simmer and Jack Mines Ltd, ...
Uranium mining in Australia has been highly political, particularly for the Australian Labor Party(ALP) at both state and federal level. Development of projects has ...
In Chile, uranium prospection and/or exploration is being performed by Lefroy Resources Ltd , Polar Star Mining Corporation , U3O8 Energy Ltd , U3O8 Holdings plc , ...
Uranium Mining Overview. updated May 2012. In the last sixty years uranium has become one of the world’s most important energy minerals. It is mined and ...
Montero Mining & Exploration focused on rare earth elements, uranium and phosphate deposits in Tanzania, Quebec and South AFrica
Afghanistan’s new mining law has serious weaknesses, warns Global Witness, as President Hamid Karzai signed the bill onto the statute books.
Sudan mining news. Explore related Sudan articles for more information on the Sudan mining industry.
Over half of the world's production of uranium from mines is in Canada and Australia. Canada produces the largest share of uranium from mines (29% of world supply ...
Uranium mining and uranium resources in Australia. Australia's uranium reserves are the world's largest, with 23% of the total. Production and exports average ...
Ion Exchange Recovery of Uranium from Acid Leachate. With its low cost and high extraction rate, acid leaching with sulfuric acid is currently the most widely used ...
"The ore body of the Rossing Uranium mine is the largest granite-hosted uranium deposit in Namibia."
Gold Fields to explore new mining methods at South Deep mine in South Africa South African gold mining firm Gold Fields is planning to trial two...
Welcome to the Minerals and Mining Web Page . The Minerals and Mining Program is the regulatory arm of DENR responsible for ensuring that the impacts from mineral ...
Ion Exchange Recovery of Uranium from Acid Leachate. With its low cost and high extraction rate, acid leaching with sulfuric acid is currently the most widely used ...
"The ore body of the Rossing Uranium mine is the largest granite-hosted uranium deposit in Namibia."
Gold Fields to explore new mining methods at South Deep mine in South Africa South African gold mining firm Gold Fields is planning to trial two...
Welcome to the Minerals and Mining Web Page . The Minerals and Mining Program is the regulatory arm of DENR responsible for ensuring that the impacts from mineral ...